Simon Yu

Simon Yu

MRes Student at NLP and AI

University of Edinburgh


Hi! I’m Simon, an incoming PhD student at Northeastern University, advised by Prof. Weiyan Shi. I was a MRes student at the ILCC at University of Edinburgh, supervised by Prof. Jeff Pan. I am also fortuantely work closely with Prof. Pasquale Minervini and Prof. Jacques Fleuriot. I am part of the Cohere For AI community with working with Marzieh Fadaee. My bachelor’s degree was fully funded by the Macao Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship (top 1% of students in A-level).

Quote “Sometimes we have plans, but sometimes life has other plans. For so long I’ve wished and obsessed upon certain opportunities, just to get other ones where in hindsight. “Trust the process” is so much deeper than what people think. Learning to let go is one of the most powerful research lessons.”

Acknowledgement Since I began my research, I have met many intelligent, disciplined, and wonderful peers to work with, including (but not limited to) Andrej Jovanovic@Cambridge, Hanxu Hu@Edinburgh, Chenmien Tan@Edinburgh, Pinzhen Chen@Edinburgh, Yijun Yang@Edinburgh and Liangyu Chen@NTU. I have truly learned a lot from them, and I enjoyed all the discussion we had.

  • LLM Safety
  • Instruction Tuning for Generlization
  • Agents
  • Master by Research in NLP, 2023-2024

    The University of Edinburgh

  • BSc in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science, 2019-2023

    The University of Edinburgh


Research Assistant
October 2022 – September 2023 Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Research Intern
Noah Arks Lab R&D, Edinburgh
March 2022 – September 2022 Edinburgh, United Kingdom


(2024). SIT: Fine-Tuning Large Language Models with Sequential Instructions. Under Review.


(2024). Evaluating the Adversarial Robustness of Retrieval-Based In-Context Learning for Large Language Models. Accepted by COLM 2024.


(2023). HJCL: Hierarchy-aware Joint Supervised Contrastive Learning for Hierarchical Multi-Label Text Classification. In EMNLP 2023.

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(2023). BUCA: A Binary Classification Approach to Unsupervised Commonsense Question Answering. In ACL 2023.

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